Yes, it's that time of the year again. As I put the box on the floor next to my table my young rag doll climbed in and lay all over the folders. Oh, the life of a cat...
I've had to wrestle the folders out from under him and as I sign each Report Card and have a last flip through I reflect on this process every school will be going through right now.
do this for many reasons:-
We want to
know how each child is developing and to read about their progress over the
We want to
be sure of the ‘quality’ of the content of the report. As a teaching
profession, we believe teachers need to be accountable for these reports as
they are a record of what has taken place.
We want to
affirm our wonderful teachers in the work they have put into reflecting on student
progress and writing their detailed reports.
So my hand is aching and I've gone through two pens already. And I'm just hoping that parents will appreciate the efforts their children have made in their learning, and the thinking their teachers have put into providing an accurate report of each child's progress. I'm also wishing that all I had to do was lay all over them and look cute. And I'm hoping that some children don't find stray cat hair in their report when they open it up and read it next Friday!