11 December 2013

Love the last week of school

I love the last school week of the year.

There's an excitement in the air that isn't present at any other time. As I wandered about today there were presents drying on racks, Year 1s making Christmas cards, the Pied Piper (aka Mrs Hobson) carolling with her Recorder Band (I even scored a chocolate), tinsel adorning Year 2 classrooms, Year 3s stuffing their bags full of items from their tidy trays, kids with Santa hats under their school hats and reindeer antlers on top, and Preps practising for their concert with Miss Sara belting out Six White Boomers like there's no tomorrow (she was also waving her arms about a lot - the Prep concert is serious business). Year 5s are returning resources in a business-like manner, and Mr Hutchins is attempting to instruct Year 3s on how to knock over skittles. This could be a useful skill for the holidays.

Ms Marszalek's office is piled up with computers and teachers keep rushing in their with their iPods, iPads and chargers to prove these precious resources are all still in one piece. The Teacher Aides are in the Resource Centre cleaning screens and putting all our ICT resources together for another year. They have music blaring and are having so much fun. Maree and Meryl are having less fun as they attempt to cram all the returned books back onto shelves.

The office staff sigh as they process another enrolment and they look longingly at the fridge where they have stuffed all the chocolate bootie brought in by thankful parents - and Kaz is checking it all carefully for nuts!

The Year 7 rooms are quiet - they are on camp and I miss them. They'll be back tomorrow for their Christmas party.

Pete is teaching Rock and Water - 'this will help you in the holidays' I hear him yelling, and I'm wondering what it is that Year 6s will be doing in the holidays that they will need Rock and Water.

Mrs Allan can't believe how well behaved everyone is and is enjoying her time in the office. She told me today that she was prowling the classrooms trying to be proactive in case someone needed her to sort out a problem but everyone sent her on her way. Oh well, there's a few more Prep enrolments to do!

Mr Foxover is rushing about with a sheaf of paper in one hand and lost property in the other. He has a mission to return every item by Friday afternoon. Two little girls come looking for the lost property basket - not to collect something but to put more in!!

The builders are flat out. They have promised me the new relocatables will be ready for 20 January. And the foundations of the Indoor Sports Centre are in. The Site Manager is after my mobile number - I hope he doesn't need to call me too often.

Sonia is fitting uniforms on new students - it's lovely to see their excited expectant faces. I reassure them that they are coming to the friendliest school on the Coast.

Year 4s are nowhere to be seen. I peek in their classroom windows, and yes, their heads are down and they are still concentrating on some last minute maths problems. Talk about determined to ensure every last minute of learning time is wrung out of the year!

I love the last week of school - there's a lot to do but when I take a minute or two to wander about I can smell summer holidays in the air and I can hear the closing minutes of the last day of the school year.

Merry Christmas, everyone, and Happy Holidays!

A Year in Review - in the words of our Student Leaders

Last week at the Year 7 Graduation Assembly our Student Leaders reviewed the year. It was an excellent snapshot of what we've been up to - the words of kids. If you were unable to attend and hear them speak, I hope you enjoy this blog post  (edited).

I feel honoured to be given this opportunity to address you today. Our school is amazing and as student leaders we would like to talk about a number of events that make it so special. 

Due to our location and easy access, Peregian Springs State School lends itself to be a strong participator in Travel Smart events. Many pupils live close to the school and this provides them with great opportunities to walk, skate or ride. Not only does this improve the environment, but it also benefits the health of each individual. We are one of the highest performing Travel Smart Schools in the Sunshine Coast.

All the Student Leaders for 2013 were fortunate enough to be invited to participate in the Brisbane Leadership Convention in February. When we arrived at the conference, we were surprised by the large number of students seated in the huge Auditorium. They had journeyed from many different schools across South East Queensland. It was interesting to see the range of school uniforms and behaviour but our school was definitely the one that stood out as having the smartest uniform and exemplary behaviour. The individual guest speakers who came on stage were very inspiring. They explained through their personal life experiences and practical applications what leadership skills meant to them in everyday life. They talked about how everybody can be a leader in everyday life, in their own right. I will always remember the very funny moments and stories shared on that trip.

I am sure that all the students in Years 4, 5, 6 and 7 enjoy the school camps which  are really fun and exciting. We learn so much about getting along with others and  Year 7s will soon learn some life skills such as how to cook up something to eat for dinner. I will really miss the home cooked meal on the night we camp in the bush with no electricity or tap water.
Every week we have the most amazing assemblies!  One of the most memorable performances that was so so funny was when the Preps were pretending to be the teachers and staff. And that was very cute too.  

Elise Bampton:
This year we have had so many exciting school events such as
- swimming, netball/ basketball, tennis hot shots, athletics, cross country, and ... surf skills.

Yes, we actually went to the beach this term to learn about swimming in the surf! Well, I think the idea was to swim but unfortunately many of the Year 6 and 7 students found themselves with their noses buried in the sand under the waves!

I am sure that you would all agree that one of the best events was the fantastic Lapathon. It was great to see everyone who participated running in their costumes, leaping over obstacles with music, getting prizes but most importantly having fun. It was a fun way that we, as students could help to raise money for the school. We would like to especially thank Mr Hutchins for organising not only this event, but every sporting event in the school in 2013.

Tomorrow, we have our swimming carnival for Year 4’s to 7’s. Good luck to everyone participating in such a great event.

I have been at this school since the foundation year and since then the school has grown so much. We now have around 740 children and more coming each week. With all the new students arriving at our school, it has just kept on expanding. This year we had the two new demountable classrooms built and the construction of the hall has fianlly started. When these new buildings were being built some of our routines were changed, and it meant that we had  to adapt and cooperate by sharing our limited play areas with each other. But that is something that we are very good at doing at this school.

Our school is very multi cultural, and we have students from all over the world. Some of the students arrived here and could not speak a word of English, but since they have come here they have learnt very quickly. The biggest multicultural event this year would be the two Japanese tour groups that have visited our school. This year was the first year our school has had a group of students from another country come and visit us, and I know sensei wants to do it again.

Caitlin Savic
Something else that is great about our school are all the other extra-curricular activities such as the Lunch Clubs which many students participate in. These include Robotics, Chess club, Radio Ramblers, Film Club, Sing Groups, and many more. These lunch clubs provide a great opportunity for students to meet other kids and when you want  to do something different at lunch.

Book Week was great fun. This year’s theme was Out of this World. It was great to see everybody participating and dressing up. Pete and Mr Hughes performed their story with Mr Thomas’ song at the end. Pete’s story telling is definitely out of this world.  Book Week 2013 will be one of the best memories from this year.

The Talent Show is also another great memory from this year. With the help of Chloe, Eliza, Mr Wise and Mrs Hobson we selected 10 people out of about 60 to perform in front of the school. Even if you did not make it into the finals you all had great talent. Our Talent Show ended with the Pssst Teacher Band. With Miss Hobson and Miss Bridoen as the singers fighting against Mr Hughes who argued back using the Take 5. Over all, the Peregian Springs State School Talent Show 2013 was a great day.

Finally, to conclude our Student Leader’s Speech, I would like to say - wow what a year it has been. We have laughed, we have cried. We fell, we stood up. We have made friends for the rest of our lives and have had the pleasure to spend time with teachers that will stay in our thoughts for ever. But most importantly I’d like to make the most of this opportunity to thank Ms Sands for creating such a fantastic learning environment. 

Fellow students in Year 7 - we are just about to embark on another exciting journey that will take us to places that will expose us to new challenges and new life opportunities. We extend our greatest thanks to the hard work and dedication of the teachers of this school. They have done everything they can  to prepare us all for our journey, and for that, we will be forever grateful. We wish you all the best for your future.

I would like to ask everybody to give a big clap for our great school.