Welcome to my blogspot.
As a staff we have been talking about whether we are communicating with our families in a way that makes it easy for them to tune into key messages. Many of you now use social media and we are finding this a great way to get out reminders and good news.
As Principal, I find of equal importance to reminders and good news stories is the transmission of our unique school culture. Our way of 'doing business' sets us apart from other schools and this is something we want to grow and develop - especially as we are joined by new staff, new families and new children nearly every day of the week.
I remember a parent asking me in 2009 'Gwen, what do you want your school to be known for?' My reply was that I wanted a school that teachers (and other staff) and children couldn't wait to get to every day. Two and a bit years in and we are achieving this.
There are many things that lead to a happy school - a school in which kids feel that they can take risks in their learning, test out their ideas and have great relationships with their teachers. This blog will share my thoughts about what some of those things are and how are we are doing it at Peregian. The postings will be irregular but I hope you enjoy them and share them with others.