08 February 2019

Think 5

The best gift we can give a child is the ability to be resilient and the confidence and skills to solve and resolve conflict. Our Take 5 program has been a common feature of our school for many years and children use it with ease. It gives them the tools to feel they have something to do and the confidence that there's back up if it all falls apart. Sometimes when we have a problem we just want an action we can take and someone to tell for support.

There's more to it than that. All action is preceded by thinking. Good quality thinking leads to good quality actions - ones that are most likely to succeed, that is, result in improved relationships.

The Think 5 hand aims to make good quality thinking automatic. It's our first 'go to place' - think the problem through and then take the action you most feel comfortable with - the one that's going to help solve the problem. Children need so much practice doing this. They need to hear it modelled, see it working, say the words aloud to themselves, practice it in a safe place (e.g. role play in a classroom), and then try it themselves out in the playground, knowing there are plenty of adults there on hand to assist.

The Take 5 and Think 5 hands are everywhere in our school - and even the adults find them useful.

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