I’ve been on long service
leave for a few weeks.
A stand out in the
developing world is the high value parents and students place on their
educational opportunities. Education is viewed as the singularly most important
activity in the community and parents commit enormous energy in getting their
children to school and providing them with the resources they need for
participation. Hardly a day of school is missed for any reason except extreme
sickness, and teachers and other staff are held in very high esteem. Australia
is certainly the lucky country in comparison with other systems from around the
world. Our governments provide fantastic facilities, high quality and highly
trained teachers and other staff, and most of the resources Australian children
use every day. I walked around our school on Monday morning on my return and
marvelled at our beautiful well-maintained school and quietly thanked the lucky
stars that have helped us amass the best teachers and teacher aides you will
find anywhere in the world.