09 August 2015

Learning about electricity and hydraulics is the best fun

The switch activates the propeller
'Turn out the light!' my parents would yell from the lounge. It was the refrain I dreaded every night. As a kid, I'd be tucked up in bed, buried in my latest book and being swept away by the Famous Five or huddling in a wardrobe waiting to get to Narnia, and then 'clip' - out would go the light. It was usually at a good part too!

My teacher in Year 5 saved me from this torture when he showed me how to make a light from a battery, a bulb and some strategically placed wire. At night the bedlamp would go out, and I'd be buried under the blankets reading by the feeble light of a home made torch. Goodness knows what it did to my eyes, but I will always remember my Year 5 teacher.

There has been a lot of tinkering and 'making' going on in Year 6 lately, and I can't help myself. I keep going in to see what they've made, and more importantly, what they are discovering through their 'making'. Electricity and hydraulics make everything so much fun...and so very rewarding because they make stuff actually work.

One thing I'm waiting for is the application of Riley's cardboard plane - I'd love to see this be able to get off the ground. Imagine that! I've been wanting some aerial shots of our school for a while -  I wonder if he could make a drone...

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