My 'new' door is at the end of a corridor. I can't see anyone passing but I can usually hear them coming.
My door is always open; well, maybe not 100% always but pretty much always.Through it comes many members of our school community every day - kids, staff, parents, carers, grandparents and other family members; community representatives, local business owners, the school's owners and care takers, the maintenance staff, more kids, staff and parents; journalists, builders, plumbers and electricians, contract staff, ICT techs, safety inspectors, teachers and Principals from other schools (from all over the world), our Japanese Sister school staff, wistful teachers looking for work, high school students, new enrolments; regional and central office staff (and once, the Director-General); and you guessed, more kids, staff and parents.
The common entree as the heads appear around the frame is 'Gwen, have you got a minute?' It's never a minute - but I don't mind. Through my door comes happiness, hopes and wishes; excitement, smiles and laughs; success, good ideas, and achievement; dreams and stories, pride and satisfaction. And sometimes frustration, disappointment, anger and tears. The carpet is wearing thin near the door but still they all come in.
The Principal's door is always open.
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