06 October 2013

Same, same and also different - the benefits of both

I go to a yoga class once or twice a week. I love it... I love the feeling of inner calm and stretched muscles. I have a favourite teacher - Jeff. He is amazing. He knows everything about anatomy... and also about a lot of other things. Yoga in his classes is a work out for the mind as well as the body. The familiarity of the classes is soothing in a routine way, and he really knows us all as students and can adjust his planning and expectations. Sometimes he is away and we have a different teacher - the structure of the class is different, we 'om' at the start instead of sitting silently, the pace changes, the expectations are higher (or lower), and the outcomes are also changed. Different muscles ache, a new pose we've never done before is introduced - and we all moan and groan (some silently, and others not) but there is always a benefit.

And so it is with our children in their classrooms. Having the same teacher for a year or two has enormous benefits. The teacher knows how the children learn best, he or she knows when to give a child a break and when to put the foot down on the accelerator, the routines and structure are familiar and comforting - kids don't have to think about it. However, when there is a change of teacher the mind is sharpened and perhaps focused in a different way. The change can be unsettling and it forces the reordering of thinking, activity and process. And in this, children always learn something they would not have learned had there not been a change.

In Term 4 we start planning class allocations for children - we are gradually introducing the concept of looping for teachers who are interested. This means children stay with their teacher for a second year. This year 2B became 3B and they have had the best time together - they have also achieved some pretty cool learning outcomes over the last 24 months! When they go to Year 4 they will experience an unsettled period - and then they will move on with their learning and friendships, being stretched in a different direction with new ways and new resources being introduced. Some will moan and groan as they get used to it, and there will be a benefit for all.

Some teachers will choose to 'loop' for 2014, some may choose a different year level all together, and others will start with a fresh group of kids - no matter what, there will be academic and social benefits for all (teachers as well as students).

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