There's an excitement in the air that isn't present at any other time. As I wandered about today there were presents drying on racks, Year 1s making Christmas cards, the Pied Piper (aka Mrs Hobson) carolling with her Recorder Band (I even scored a chocolate), tinsel adorning Year 2 classrooms, Year 3s stuffing their bags full of items from their tidy trays, kids with Santa hats under their school hats and reindeer antlers on top, and Preps practising for their concert with Miss Sara belting out Six White Boomers like there's no tomorrow (she was also waving her arms about a lot - the Prep concert is serious business). Year 5s are returning resources in a business-like manner, and Mr Hutchins is attempting to instruct Year 3s on how to knock over skittles. This could be a useful skill for the holidays.
Ms Marszalek's office is piled up with computers and teachers keep rushing in their with their iPods, iPads and chargers to prove these precious resources are all still in one piece. The Teacher Aides are in the Resource Centre cleaning screens and putting all our ICT resources together for another year. They have music blaring and are having so much fun. Maree and Meryl are having less fun as they attempt to cram all the returned books back onto shelves.
The office staff sigh as they process another enrolment and they look longingly at the fridge where they have stuffed all the chocolate bootie brought in by thankful parents - and Kaz is checking it all carefully for nuts!
The Year 7 rooms are quiet - they are on camp and I miss them. They'll be back tomorrow for their Christmas party.
Pete is teaching Rock and Water - 'this will help you in the holidays' I hear him yelling, and I'm wondering what it is that Year 6s will be doing in the holidays that they will need Rock and Water.
Mrs Allan can't believe how well behaved everyone is and is enjoying her time in the office. She told me today that she was prowling the classrooms trying to be proactive in case someone needed her to sort out a problem but everyone sent her on her way. Oh well, there's a few more Prep enrolments to do!
The builders are flat out. They have promised me the new relocatables will be ready for 20 January. And the foundations of the Indoor Sports Centre are in. The Site Manager is after my mobile number - I hope he doesn't need to call me too often.
Sonia is fitting uniforms on new students - it's lovely to see their excited expectant faces. I reassure them that they are coming to the friendliest school on the Coast.
Year 4s are nowhere to be seen. I peek in their classroom windows, and yes, their heads are down and they are still concentrating on some last minute maths problems. Talk about determined to ensure every last minute of learning time is wrung out of the year!
I love the last week of school - there's a lot to do but when I take a minute or two to wander about I can smell summer holidays in the air and I can hear the closing minutes of the last day of the school year.
Merry Christmas, everyone, and Happy Holidays!
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